Not everyone has what it takes to brave the road less traveled. The mission of Phi Rho Eta - to transform the plight of at-risk young men - is not one to be undertaken by the faint of heart.
For far too long the status quo has been accepted merely because it is the status quo. All members of Phi Rho Eta have taken an intense analytical view of what is at stake and determined that Phi Rho Eta is best positioned from a cultural, institutional, and strategic perspective to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
The power in Fraternity, as the Charismatic Men of Phi Rho Eta see it, is what can be accomplished when positive men join causes greater than themselves. It is the recognition that the talented few can defeat larger demons when united towards a common cause. It is the understanding that change is never given an invitation, change only comes when those who believe in it decide to take back their destiny by force.
What is possible if the best of the best refuse to stand idly byand casually pretend as though problems don't exist?What is possible if the best of the best give their talents to the organization that acts and not simply talks? What is possibleif the best of the best decide to lead because leadership is what is needed most, and not follow for tradition sake?
The answer: Phi Rho Eta Fraternity, Inc.
If you are interested in more information, and you have prepared yourself to lead, we encourage you to contact us using the form below.